How Do Fire Hydrants Work?
Fire hydrants are often walked by without a second glance or frowned upon for blocking access to parking. However, they are incredible, life-saving tools. Here are three key pieces of information on the workings of fire hydrants.
Why Are Fire Hydrants Needed?
A fire hydrant is a back-up source of water for firefighters to use while extinguishing a fire. Though fire trucks carry a considerable amount of water themselves, in the case of large fires, a greater source is required. Fire hydrants are connected to underground water supply systems and, when opened, can produce a strong, steady stream of water. They are typically painted in bright colors, like red or yellow, to make them easier for fire-fighters to spot from inside their fire truck.
How Do They Work?
When firefighters arrive to put out a fire, they first draw upon the water in their own trucks. As this is happening, … Read more