Finance Articles

4 Online Business Risks and How to Handle them

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Online business is the choice of many people to build their own business in the digital era as now. If it is broken down again, this type of online business is quite a lot. Starting from opening an online shop through Instagram, setting up an e-commerce website, to posting ads on a blog. Although it sounds practical because everything is done through the online realm, online businesses actually have risks too – just like businesses in general.

The good news is that you can anticipate these risks early so you know what steps or risk management to take. That way, an online business can run smoothly and you can get maximum benefits.

The occurrence of a hit and run

Because business happens in the realm of online, you can’t meet your customers directly. In fact, trust between buyers and sellers can be more easily created if you face to face. … Read more

Finance Articles

Against All the Odds: 7 Tips to Stay In Business During Low Seasons

8 Ways for Your Business to Stay Ahead During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Like it or not; most small businesses are seasonal. And because you cannot mess with changing of seasons, many times you are forced to dance to the rhythm.

For instance, while Memorial Day may be the kickoff of summer season sales for most micro-businesses, for others, it is a low-sales period. So depending on the product you sell, the health of your small company may sometimes directly influenced by the seasons.

The most common retailers affected by seasons are those that offer travel services to tourist. During summer, B2B (business-to-business) and service companies may not receive as many orders as they do as their clients leave businesses for vacation.

So what’s the trick for micro-business survival offseason? Find out below.

  1. Augment your Financial Management

 Don’t concentrate too much on profits, maintain your cash flow—that’s what small business rely on. If you experience higher sales in summer then begin setting aside … Read more

Finance Articles

How to Manage Business Finance Effectively

Business Funding Opportunity for SA Youth!! – Youth Technology ...

As a beginner entrepreneur, you certainly want a business that is being pioneered success is not it?

If you are currently preparing or even starting a business, you should note that one of the keys to business success is financial management.

Understand it, almost all important aspects in the business related to money. Starting from the procurement of raw materials, business lease, transportation, promotion, salary and many more. All require proper and systematic setup and operation.

1. Separate between personal / family accounts with business accounts in managing business finances

This is the first to-do list you should pay attention to. Many business actors neglect this important issue so that personal money is often mixed with company money.

And with the separation of accounts, you more easily measure business growth. Immediately open a new checking account intended specifically for business.

2. Determine the percentage in business finance management

Determining the … Read more

Finance Articles

Tips Manage Finance for a Brighter Future

Any amount of income received every month will never be enough if not managed properly. Controlling the desires needs to be done so that expenditure is under control. That way, everyday needs can be fulfilled. To keep your expenses under control and finances well, you need to do some financial managing tips as discussed below.

1. Arrange Expenditure Budget can be minimized with budget

It is important for you to set up a budget in such a way as to control the amount of money that comes out. Points contained in the budget include the name of the requirement along with a nominal price estimate. Before shopping, you can bring in a list of budgets made to keep what is spent according to what is on the budget.

2. Limit Desire

The desire to spend beyond the budget list may arise when you visit the supermarket.

Undeniably, an attractive offer … Read more

Finance Articles

Top Five Features to Consider Before Buying an ATM Machine

Maybe your business has enough space and good traffic where you can add an ATM machine and get an increased flow of income. This is a simple counter that you can have on your business premises and you can make some extra dollars. However, before deciding to buy an ATM machine, you need to analyze the features so that you can purchase something that fits you and your business. Before buying any type of atm machines hoboken nj, here are some of the features you need to consider. 

1. Aesthetic Appeal

Remember the aesthetic appeal of your ATM machine plays a significant role in attracting customers. For a small store, you can choose a lower-end system that offers the basics of withdrawing money. However, for a wealthier clientele business such as resorts, you need to select a sleeker design. Noteworthy, the more the aesthetic value, the more you will have … Read more