There are usually two options you can pursue after experiencing an accident that wasn’t your fault. It could be a bit from a neighbor’s dog, injuries related to a car accident, or a slip and fall on a commercial property. You can either contact an injury lawyer Portland residents recommend and go to a court trial, or you can settle with the defendant out of court. If your accident occurs while at work, you generally are prohibited from a lawsuit due to worker’s compensation regulations.

Going to Trial
If you have considered going to trial, you are probably aware of the potential to receive a higher settle award. This is because you take your case to a jury of your peers, and they may be more sympathetic in your presentation and grant whatever compensation you are seeking. It also gives a better chance to recoup the out of pocket costs that are associated with your injury and the following legal action. Choosing a court trial has its own benefits when considering the financial perspective, but there are different risk associated with it. Before decline a settlement offer from the defendant and his representation, you should weigh your options carefully.
Potential Failure
Although the potential exists for a higher settlement award, it could still be less than the initial settlement amount an insurance company may have made. There is also the possibility that you will receive nothing at all. Insurance companies make their offer based on their expectations of a court ruling. However, if your case does not have sufficient evidence, it may fail to meet the burden of proof required for a verdict in your favor. The overall cost of the trail might absorb much of the potential award as well, making it more beneficial to accept a settlement.
Your options following an accident should be carefully considered. There is the potential to be well compensated for your incident, but there are no guarantees and all possibilities should be clearly thought out.