Can I be denied car insurance in Alberta?

There is a lot of misinformation that goes around when it comes to purchasing car insurance. While you cannot be denied mandatory car insurance coverage in Alberta, you can be denied optional coverage by insurers. 

Mandatory Car Insurance in Alberta 

The Government of Alberta requires all drivers to carry the following insurance: 

  • Third-party liability insurance – this helps cover costs if you cause bodily injury and/or property damage if you are at fault or partially at fault in an accident; it also includes legal expenses. 
  • Accident benefits – include medical, disability, death and funeral expense benefits. 
  • Direct compensation for property damage insurance – covers damage to your own vehicle if you are not at fault or partially at fault in an accident.  

Optional Car Insurance in Alberta 

Optional car insurance is anything above the mandatory minimum coverage required by the Government of Alberta, such as: 

  • Collision – assists with the

5 ways businesses can prepare.

Inflation is affecting consumers and businesses across the country. With price increases and economic shifts, it’s essential that business owners, especially small business owners, are prepared. Planning ahead, cutting costs, and building protection around your plans and assets can set you up for success. Not sure where to start? Read our five inflation and small business tips to prepare for what’s ahead:

  1. Study your business expenses and find places to cut costs. This isn’t always a fun process, but it can lead to measurable savings for the future. Start with making energy-saving improvements to your buildings. Your energy supplier may offer business rebates and incentives for these improvements. Consider adding an extra work from home day for your employees to save on utility expenses. Move into a smaller office space if team members work remotely. Look at the materials you buy and source new suppliers to see if there are

How to Winterize a Motorcycle

With the change in weather, it’s time to winterize your motorcycle. Properly winterizing your bike helps protect it while in storage and helps ensure it will be ready to go in the spring. While you can hire someone to take care of winterizing, it’s pretty easy to do it yourself.  

You’ll need: 

  • Cleaning cloths 
  • Spark plug wrench 
  • Trickle battery charger 
  • High quality oil 
  • New oil filter 
  • Oil can 
  • Chain lube (if your bike has a chain drive) 
  • Fuel stabilizer 
  • WD-40 
  • Breathable motorcycle cover 
  • Plastic wrap 
  • Rubber bands 
  • Gloves 
  • Cleaning and waxing supplies 
  • Rear paddock or main centre stand if your bike doesn’t have one  

Here is the step-by-step process to winterizing your motorcycle: 

  1. Place your motorcycle on the main centre stand (or rear paddock stand).  
  2. Clean your bike.
    • Don’t spray water in the muffler opening
    • Clean and polish with appropriate metal polishes
    • Clean and lube the chain if your bike

Home Furnace Maintenance in Alberta

Did you know that broken furnaces contribute to many property insurance claims each year? If your furnace dies or isn’t properly operating in cold weather, your home’s temperature can drop and cause frozen or burst pipes, resulting in damage. Keeping your furnace in good repair can save you money over the long term and protect your home.  

Types of Furnaces in Alberta’s Homes

Most Albertans have forced-air central furnaces heating their homes. These work by heating air and blowing it through ducts throughout the home. Different fuels heat the air, including: 

  • Electric – Very efficient, quiet and small furnaces; they’re cheaper to install but the cost of electricity can be higher than other fuels. 
  • Natural Gas – The most popular fuel for furnaces in Alberta as natural gas is relatively cheap and plentiful. 
  • Propane – A less popular alternative to natural gas. 
  • Oil – Found more in rural Alberta; oil

How to Prevent Burst Pipes

Burst pipes are a nightmare for any homeowner or business owner. Not only can they cause extensive damage, but the cleanup can also be challenging due to cold weather. Most burst pipes are caused by frozen pipes. Here’s how to prevent burst pipes during Alberta’s cold winters. 

1. Ensure pipes are properly insulated.  

Insulation is important for keeping the heat in your home or building. However, even with proper insulation, there can be cold spots inside cabinets or because of a faulty furnace. Ensure your home or building is properly insulated. If this has been done or it’s not possible, you can insulate the pipes themselves by using spray-foam insulation or insulation pipe wrap. Focus on exterior walls and unheated areas (and the pipes adjacent to those unheated areas).  

2. Properly seal any cracks and holes.  

Cracks and holes can let cold air in which can cause pipes to freeze

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